
Trinavatra - Sarvamoola Patrika

Pay for your actions

  • Akshaya 

Once a demon named tṛṇāvarta, came in the form of a gale to kill Lord Shri Krishna. He was like the Prana Vayu (one among the pancha pranas or primary winds in the body) of all the demons. He was very arrogant.


Syamantaka is a national asset

When national wealth is privatised, war, remorse and untimely deaths  cannot be averted is the message sent out by Shri Krishna to the people and especially politicians. 

Relevance of Syamantakōpākhyāna in our lives

Satrājita, a devotee of Sūrya, worshiped him and obtained the Syamantaka gem. When he wore it and walked towards śri Kriśṇa’s palace, people began to wonder if Sūrya himself had descended on earth.