Stories of Bhagavata

From Kuchela to Sudhama

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This is not just a story from Shrimad Bhagavata. This has relevance in our lives as well. Our souls are bound by a Kuchela, which is the linga shareera (the subtle body). As long as the linga shareera exists, we cannot be liberated from the misery of the endless cycle of birth and death.

durvasa cursing ambareesha

Atone at the root of the sin

  • Lakshmi 

Rectifying one’s mistake at its source and apologizing to the person to whom the pain was inflicted are vital to clean the conscience. Without this, any other act to please the Lord would be futile just like expecting relief from a soothing balm applied elsewhere other than on the wound.

Krishna Satyabhama

Two Embraces

Narakasura who imagined himself to be mighty, believed everything was his own and loathed Shri Krishna, was embraced by death. Satyabhama who acknowledged that all she had was Krishna’s and dedicated herself to His embarkation was embraced by Krishna. 

Dhruva Nakshatra

As instructed by Narada, Dhruva meditated upon Lord Vishnu with utmost dedication and devotion. Renouncing all the worldly possessions, the staunch child went on with his tapas without food and water. Moved by the devotee’s perseverance, Lord Vishnu – the omnipresent made His presence before the child to offer him a boon he wished for.

Vamana Avatara – I

Amongst the infinite incarnations of Lord Vishnu, the Dashavataras are prominent and we are well versed with them. Every single form of Lord Vishnu has its own significance and they inculcate important life lessons. Vamana Avatara and other incarnations where the Almighty took physical form as a human exemplified the way of life which we can very well connect to.