Stories of Mahabharata

Ani Mandavya

Speak Cautiously Act Judiciously

The purpose of reading scriptures should not be limited to historical learnings. Each character, every event mentioned in them has a lesson to convey. We would be lost in understanding them if not for the commentaries by Shriman Madhwacharya and his disciples.

Tale of Nala & Damayanti

Tale of Nala & Damayanti – 12

Nala became overwhelmed with sorrow as he stood in front of Damayanti and shed tears of grief. Despite her beloved being beside her, unable to move the screen of her mental dilemmas, Damayanti was miserable and withered in pain.

Bheemasena samo nasti

Bheemasena Samo Nasti

Although they were always protected by the Supreme Lord, the Pandavas never refrained from performing their duties. With His grace, they harnessed their inner abilities and grew up, relieving the people around them of troubles and creating an environment like a paradise, wherever they went. Throughout the Mahabharata, there are several instances which depict these feats of the Pandavas. It is evident from these illustrations that the meaning of the Vedas can be understood by studying the Mahabharata.

Udhalaka & Shwetaketu

Sensing the Lord’s omnipresence

  • Lakshmi 

This world is created by the Lord. The living beings, the myriad inanimate objects, the diverse animal and plant life around us are a constant reminder of it’s creator.

Tales of Nala & Damayanti

The tale of Nala and Damayanti – 10

He approached the vibhītaki tree and began counting. He was astounded at the accuracy of the King and said, “Oh King! Preach to me the study of numbers, calculation and dicing. I shall teach you all about horses.” Enticed by the opportunity to gain mastery over horses, the King imparted his knowledge to bāhuka with the trust that he would be taught about horses at a later time.

Tales of Nala & Damanayanti

The Tales of Nala and Damayanti – 9

Whether treated with regard or otherwise, despoiled of his kingdom and destitute of prosperity, if he were to return to her, may she never be angered.” Thus, having heard his words, I have eagerly and speedily returned here.

Story of Nala and Damayanti


The repercussions of deception of a great sage haunted Karkotaka without exemption. He was caught immobile amidst the flames of a raging fire and was rescued by Nala. If we deceive the wise, no matter how prepotent we are, that sin will haunt us!