Vamana Avatara

Vamana Avatara - 9

Vamanavatara – 9

Nowadays, when one sets out to perform a good deed, there are more detractors than supporters. In such a scenario, if we blow the conch, our work will be completed without any obstacles.

Vamana Avatara

Vamana Avatara – 8

Conch also protects our intellect from ignorance-extremes arising within. It safeguards us from the external fear. That is why Guru śukrācārya presented Bali with a conch. In other words, the auspicious sound of the conch fetches us śukradaśe (good times).

Sri Vamana Avatara King Bali is receiving quivers from Agni

Vamana Avatara – 6

Thereafter, Bali Chakravarti also got a couple of quivers from Agni. akṣayau ariktau tūrṇau. Bali obtained two quivers that never ran out of arrows from Agni. This is the basic understanding we get superficially. Let us now explore its spiritual significance.

Vamanavatara – V

Attaining higher realms is not easy. It requires a lot of effort. No matter what difficulties one faces while trying to reach the goal, there must be a genuine smile on his face. In order to symbolize this, Bali’s chariot had a flag with a lion on it (simhadhvaja). The meaning of the word ‘simha’ (lion) unfolds in multiple ways. Hinasti iti simhaḥ. Lion rips the animals in front of it and hence it is referred to as Simha.

Vamana Avatara

Vamanavatara – IV

In the previous issues, we discussed how Bali Chakravarti prepared for battle with the encouragement of sage Shukracharya and Sri Prahlādarajaru. Let us now explore and try to adopt the spiritual significance of these events in our lives.

Vamana Avatara – I

Amongst the infinite incarnations of Lord Vishnu, the Dashavataras are prominent and we are well versed with them. Every single form of Lord Vishnu has its own significance and they inculcate important life lessons. Vamana Avatara and other incarnations where the Almighty took physical form as a human exemplified the way of life which we can very well connect to.