Vidura neeti

Vidura Neeti

Vidura Neeti – 9

Only common people see from their eyes and interpret directly. Therefore, it is essential that a person activates all his sensory organs to evaluate and analyse what is right or wrong and then take decisions accordingly. It is useful to adopt the best evaluation methods to arrive at the right conclusion.

Vidura Neeti

Vidura Neeti – 8

The King should follow the practices adopted by these great Emperors both for ruling and living rather than trying out something which has just emerged.

Vidura Neeti 7

Dharma should be protected by truth (satya), just as one protects knowledge by continuous practice or revision. Just as the beauty of the body is protected by perfumery products, similarly the family or clan is protected by one’s good conduct.

Vidura Neeti – 6

In today’s world, we see people are impatient and wanting to get early results without even waiting for the required period. They do not wait for the fruit to fully ripen in the tree and pluck raw fruits at an early stage causing damage to the plant/tree that bears the fruit.

Vidura Neeti – 5

One has to understand that human beings enjoy many material comforts but they have to remember that they come to him only through the good deeds that he has done in the previous births.

How a person in authority should conduct himself

  • Lakshmi 

It is common to notice haughtiness and a change in the tone of speech in a person who has attained even small authority. He will forget compassionate words. He will have an arrogant behaviour towards his subordinates.

Give up for the good - Vidura Neeti

Give up for the greater good

for the welfare of the nation, banish your one most maleficent son, handover the responsibility of the kingdom to the righteous people and take the path which leads to betterment

Vidura Neeti – III

A person who has the Supreme knowledge, strength, detachment and value based living will not be affected by the dangers emanating from wealth and he is called as a real scholar.

Politics without belief in God cannot prosper

This is a very significant philosophical matter, which has deviated the thoughts of many speculators. Vidura’s quote “ēkamēvādvitīyaṁ”, mentioned above, would most likely get misunderstood upon a cursory glance. With a little sincere thinking the true meaning would unfold.