Sudheendhra Putty

Ever engaged in the sadhana of Srimadvaishnava Siddhanta of our Guru, Acharya Madhwa and all the Yatis and Dasas who have blazed this noble path. May HVG bless us all

Krishnayana – 6

The word kaala is derived from and has its verbal roots in the term kala. In this context, it is an allusion to destruction or swallowing in totality (kala samhaare). The name kaala is a reference to Sri Krishna and hence, He is the one who swallows all.

Summary of Siddhanta of Hari Sarvottamatva in one shloka

In this one shloka, Sri Trivikrama Panditacharya highlights the greatness of Mukhyaprana, the innate meaning of devotion and its characteristics and how this needs to be channeled to the lotus feet of Govinda. The one shloka is a sublime summary of Hari Sarvottammatva and the supreme role of Mukhyaprana in our lives.

Krishnayana – V

Anugraha : Paramapoojya Shri Vidyadheesha Teertha Shripadaru Compilation: Krishna Sakha, Mudarangadi Translation : Sudheendhra Putty, Secunderabad Read Part IV here Aham gatirgatimataam kaalah kalayatamaham Gunaanaampyaham… Read More »Krishnayana – V

Krishnayana – IV

the term eesha means supremacy, lordship or mastery is well known; each of them is a relative term and may be applicable to a person according to their respective abilities. For instance, each person exercises control or mastery over his/her organs.

Krishnayana – III

Brahma has described the tribulations of the earth as Dharajwara. Jwara here refers to santaapa – travails, woes or grief. Woes are three fold – aadhyatmika, aadibhoutika and aadidaivika (caused by internal factors, caused by physical forces and caused by divine forces respectively).

Shri Krishnayana – II

In deference to the beseeching by Bhumidevi, the four-faced Brahma, together with the other devatas descended upon the ocean of milk. He deified the supreme being and the sublime qualities that adumbrate Him by means of the Purushasookta.

Shri Krishnayana – I

Mother earth is the epitome of forgiveness and tolerance. She can and does bear unimaginable weight with great fortitude. However, she will never tolerate even for a moment the weight of rebuke meted out to the supreme Lord who is her consort. It is amply clear that Mother earth will never provide shelter to those who do not believe in Sri Krishna or those who despise Him.