March 2020


Shri Vadiraja Kamandalu Teertha

Sri Vadirajateertha visited their village and witnessed their hardships. He placed down his Kamandala (spouted vessel carried by ascetics) in a field and prayed the Lord. A water spring then started from underneath the Kamandala.

May the name be auspicious

While the first name is negative, the second name is auspicious in all dimensions.
Thus, Śrīvādirāja has subtly exemplified to us as to how a child should be named.

Shri Krishnayana

Shri Krishnayana 8

Hence, it is imperative to meditate upon śrī kriṣṇa not as a mere mortal, but as the supreme One who is the cornucopia of the six fundamental attributes.

Vamana Avatara

Vamana Avatara – 8

Conch also protects our intellect from ignorance-extremes arising within. It safeguards us from the external fear. That is why Guru śukrācārya presented Bali with a conch. In other words, the auspicious sound of the conch fetches us śukradaśe (good times).