
Image-A word to all fathers

A word to all fathers

  • Lakshmi 

When our desires are beyond the bounds of morality, we destroy ourselves. Our desires (thoughts) should be under our control, and not the other way around. This is the path to welfare.

Udhalaka & Shwetaketu

Sensing the Lord’s omnipresence

  • Lakshmi 

This world is created by the Lord. The living beings, the myriad inanimate objects, the diverse animal and plant life around us are a constant reminder of it’s creator.

Krishna Satyabhama

Two Embraces

Narakasura who imagined himself to be mighty, believed everything was his own and loathed Shri Krishna, was embraced by death. Satyabhama who acknowledged that all she had was Krishna’s and dedicated herself to His embarkation was embraced by Krishna. 


Syamantaka is a national asset

When national wealth is privatised, war, remorse and untimely deaths  cannot be averted is the message sent out by Shri Krishna to the people and especially politicians. 

Vamana Avatara - 9

Vamanavatara – 9

Nowadays, when one sets out to perform a good deed, there are more detractors than supporters. In such a scenario, if we blow the conch, our work will be completed without any obstacles.